Capacity Building


ERDCN encourages community people for their active participation to solve their problems themselves using resources received from other institutions and available at local level. For their encouragement, ERDCN provides facilitation support and capacity building training through CLCs. Thus, ERDCN is designing project to make existing CLCs functional and to expand CLC strengthening programmes in Gorkha district. ERDCN conducts training on CLC management, planning development, social audit, minute writing, report writing, proposal writing, case study writing, IT skills, off-seasonal vegetable farming, accounting etc.

ERDCN focuses on strengthening the capacity of its staff for sustainability of the organization. Beyond this, capacity building of CLCs, Women Groups, SMCs, PTAs and Child Clubs are major areas of ERDCN, so that they will be able to contribute for good governance in community and schools with active participation of concerned stakeholders. In addition, ERDCN supports CLCs for networking with local level service providers and resource mobilization at the local level. 

  • "How Community Learning Center (CLC) Changed My Life"

    Mira Pariyar Dhuwankot, Gorkha

    My name is Mira Pariyar. I was born in Dhading district. I am 61 years old now. I got married to Bhagat Damai who lived in Bungkot VDC of Gorkha district. After some year, we migrated to DhuwankotRead More

  • I can do calculation, accounting and measuring too.

    Story of Khushimaya Gurung Harmi, Gorkha

    My name is Khushimaya Gurung.  I am 25 years old.   I am 5th daughter of my parents Buddhi Bahadur Gurung and Mangali Gurung.   My mother gave birth of 5 daughters in a hope of having a baby boy.  After giving birth of 5 daughters, son was born to myRead More