We (Mirkot Jana Jagriti Community Learning Centre/CLC) are rewarded by Education Minister of Nepal
Laxmi Khanal
Mirkot, Gorkha

I am Laxmi Khanal, 45 years old, from Mirkot-8, Gorkha.  I spent 42 years as an illiterate person.  Most of the days, I spent as a house wife. Three years ago, ERDCN one of the NGOs of Nepal came to our V.D.C. to work in the area of education and livelihood with funding support of All We Can. As I heard that I became very happy with ERDCN team because some words heartily touched me like Literacy, Income Generation, Women Group and CLC Activities etc.

ERDCN ran 5 literacy classes in our VDC. I enrolled in a literacy class and completed the advanced level course within 2 years. We formed a Women Group during literacy class period. We learned different contents like Nepali writing, reading with simple English alphabets and words, knowledge on Family Planning, Personal Hygiene, Women Rights Issues, Reproductive Health, HIV/AIDS so on.  Last year, we organized meeting among the neo literate participants with the purpose of CLC registration. We submitted all the documents to Non Formal Education Center in national level through District Education Office, Gorkha. After the fulfillment of required documents, we received the approval letter of CLC namely Mirkot Jana Jagriti CLC. We have supported "Literate Nepal Mission" and  Open Defecation Free (ODF)  Declaration in Mirkot VDC through this CLC.  We think it is the best organization for the empowerment of the community people through education, different income generation activities, exposure visit, team work so on and I understood that the importance of organization.

One day the Under-Secretary from District Education Office (DEO) informed us for the participation process in a Folk song competition celebrating by NFEC with CLCs. We received a letter for participation from DEO and participated in that competition. After the completion of competition the announcer announced that Mirkot Jana Jagriti CLC won the third prize and we were rewarded with HONOUR CERTIFICATE by the hand of Education Minister. 

What I was earlier ? I could never spell out my own name, now I can sing, I can give speech, I can interact on woman rights in front of mass.

 “Thanks to ALL WE CAN and ERDCN team for providing this opportunity”

Laxmi Khanal


Mirkot Jana Jagriti CLC, Gorkha